Friday, April 29, 2011

Next Meeting...CS SIG this coming Thursday!

The 7 point system that Scott Kelby made famous a couple of years ago has been revised for CS5.  He goes through a sort of checklist of things to do to get a picture where you want it when you don't know where to start.   I was impressed with it when he had it for CS3, and even more so now, as it is much more simple to work with.  so... after watching it on Kelby Training, I want to share it with you.  Elisa will not be able to make it due to a commitment, but I hope you do because:

Joyce's 7 steps why to coming to the meeting: 
1. It stops you from staring aimlessly at the screen saying "thats so blah!"
2. Gives your life direction.
3.  Easy to follow steps
4.  Works only in Camera Raw or Lightroom except for a few finishing touches
5.  No 20 step fancy shmancy stuff.
6. Shows you the stuff you really have to know instead of the once a year stuff.
7.  It is probably going to be our last meeting until fall...

I will work on a handout and post it when I can.  In the meantime...take a bad (but in focus) raw file to tag along if  you want to try it out.  Ok...I know you never take a bad picture...but try!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our First CS SIG Post and our Upcoming Meeting

Elisa and I have some surprises for you this month.  And I am really excited about a give-away I am going to do of free templates from on-one for you to have fun with.  Just found them today and I can't get off the computer as I am having too much fun.   

Also a Scott Kelby trick of turning  a filter into a brush into a warp image into a background element and brush element of a layout.  also a panorama trick.

For you purist out there...(no fancy shmancy stuff for me),  Elisa will do a RAW workflow.   Hope we got your interest perked!

ALSO I want to discuss what we can do in connection with the club web site! may want to come with your computers to play too!  Joyce