Thursday, January 12, 2012

We had a great meeting with a lot of keen (am I dating myself)  tips.  Howard will facilitate the Feb meeting (Ground Hog Day)  so we'll have to work on some tip to emphasize shadows!  Whatever Howard has up his sleeve, it will be fun and rewarding for all.  I am playing around with trying to add the notes I gave out as an attachment,  Wish me luck!  Joyce  tips for Photoshop

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy January!!! Next meeting...Thursday, Jan . 5th, 12:30

We have lots to learn!...well we knew that when we first opened CS5,  but boy do I have a fun and EASY  tips for us all....Thanks to Kelby Training,  some great insider tips for easy success in a whole bunch of situations...everyone will get something out of this that they will be able to use immediately.  I promise!!  I have the video, and will make up info sheets for us.  See you there! Joyce

Have any composit experience?  bring it with  you!